Monday, September 1, 2008

Time to retire this blog...

...but don't worry. I'm not going to stop blogging. We have decided to fuse the two blogs together. Chris has been working hard at reviving the Guided Light Photography blog and will continue to do so. We have quite a bit in store for it and I'm very excited about it.

I've been working my tail feathers off with a new idea for the business that I'm VERY excited about, but I'm not saying what it is. I would like to say thank you to Burkhart Advertising for giving me the idea and helping me along the way with their support and guidance.

After today, we plan to blog AT LEAST once a week on the Guided Light Photography blog. This will be both personal and business. We took quite a bit of pictures this weekend of the kids so I'm VERY excited to share them with all of you.

See you on the blog.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's been busy... I thought I'd post a blog entry. We have been working our tails off photographing weddings every weekend since July 12th. We still have one more this weekend and then we're done until Sept 13th.

We have been so blessed to be around all the love and happiness. Each one of our bride and grooms have touched us in little ways. Each one of them have been surrounded by many loving friends and family that truly adore them. I feel blessed to be a part in each and every one of their big days. Many thanks to each of you. You have made Guided Light Photography's first year in business a hit. Every one of you have pushed us to be even better than we thought we were :). Thank you for putting your trust in us with the most important day of your life.

On a more personal note. Bryce's first year is coming to a screeching end. He will be 1 year a month from Saturday. He has grown so much and has accomplished the smallest things. I love watching how happy he gets when I walk into a room, let along when sissy walks into a room (I'm usually chopped liver). He's still not walking, but he's trying so hard. He just started waving yesterday and is SOOO proud of himself for this new accomplishment.

Josie has lost her two front teeth and whistles when she talks. Poor thing gets so upset when she can't say the right letters. She starts 1st grade on Tuesday and is VERY proud to say that she goes to the "smart kid's" school. We are very proud of her for learning so much and doing so well. Some of you may know that she recently lost her glasses at our house before she went to FL. You can stop looking in your house mom, we found them (while looking for her lost shoes-haven't found those yet). They were under her Build a Bear cat, in it's bed. Go figure!

We have been working our tails off trying to stay on task with our weddings, getting a little behind here and there and photographing in between. I had a 4 month old over here on Wednesday that I'm hoping to get those done and posted this week. I also have a 1 year old tomorrow night. I'm very excited for this little one. He's such a ham. He was at our first wedding this summer and he would not take his eyes off of my camera (or me). I hope it doesn't rain so I can get him in the field across the street. How cute will that be!

Well, I have some business to tend to before bed so, until next time.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Tribute

This is a tribute to someone VERY special to me. It is my husband.

He is such a caring and devoted father to his children. I couldn’t picture anyone better suited to be the father of my child.

He is a caring and devoted husband to me, putting my needs and wants ahead of his own. Making sure I’m taken care of no matter what he must sacrifice. I feel blessed to have found the perfect man for me. God gave me the BEST pick of the litter.


I love you and I wouldn’t change you for the world!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Zoo fun

To end our week with Josie, we took the kids to the zoo. This was something Josie has been begging about and we wanted to reward her for being such a good big sister to Bryce while Chris got album designs and photo editing out of the way. Her are some tokens of what we went home with.

Josie was feeding the fish and when I looked down at Bryce, I saw this.
Pretty much straight out of the camera.

The Zoo has a new butterfly exhibit that Josie and I went in to. We couldn't stay for too long because it was getting ready to mist everything. Not good for the camera.

This an AWESOME image that Chris captured.
It reminds me of the flower in Alice and Wonderland under the tree that's all alone.

A collage of all the beautiful flowers Chris photographed.
He's such an AWESOME detail artist.

Josie doesn't usually get to go on the horse ride, we let her go this time.
See how she's proudly showing off her crown my mom got her the day before?

I love monkeys, I really wish we could have one for a pet, maybe just not the grandpa looking ones. Those freak me out. :)

I took bottom two, but I think I like Chris' better.
I love how much they love each other. This one is on my desktop.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Working for Burkhart

Have I said how much I love my job. I am so pleased to announce that 2 of my pictures have been published on the graphic designer for Burkhart. When you land on the page, its MY image. How exciting? I still need to obtain a copy of the Gift Shop Magazine that my pictures were in. All I have to say is, thank you my husband for pushing me to dream again, but most importantly to God, for giving the gift and ability to do what I do. I am truly blessed.

Jeff & Stephanie : E-Session

Stephanie has become one of our biggest fans, preaching the word according to Guided Light Photography all over the Knot. I was so happy to finally get together with them to shoot their engagement session. They are two hard working people and have become friends of mine. Congratulations guys, I can't wait for your big day.

Ps. Their slide show is soon to come, stay tuned.

Lunch with Josie

Chris has been getting Josie every Tuesday while Jessica goes to work. They pick me up most of the time for lunch and we go to the park. Last week, I had my camera with me and decided to take some pictures.

This is probably one of my favorite shots of the day.

This one is equally my favorite.